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Importing users for awarding an award

Last update: 11.01.2024

You can add a large number of user accounts at the same time to award a reward, using the import function.

Go to the LIST OF AWARDEES tab.

  • Click the Import button in the Options menu.

Before importing a file into the system, download a template with a sample of filling in the import file " Template.xlsx".

The uploaded file must contain a list of user accounts with the mandatory indication of the login for each user in a separate line.

Data requirements in the import file

* login
: can contain Latin letters, numbers , slash/, backslash\, underscore_, period . , dash-and the dog @ (1-50 characters).
can contain letters of the Russian and Latin alphabet, numbers, space slash/, backslash\, single quotation mark', dash -. The length of the comment is not limited.

Required fields are displayed with the symbol *

Click on the Select File button and upload the prepared file for import.

Click the Send button. You can change the downloaded file by clicking on the corresponding Edit button.

By clicking on the Send button, users will be imported into the system.
After the import is completed, the users will appear in the table of awarded users. As a result, the award date for each user will be equal to the import date.

Possible errors:
The system will not start importing users and will give an error if

  • the file is loaded in the wrong format.

Solution: Click Edit and upload the file (*xlsx).

If errors occur during import, a window with a list of them will appear. The list shows the string and the type of error.


Import errors

  • the value of the field #field name# cannot be empty.

Solution: Fill in the specified field.

  • the field # field name# can contain no more than #the number of # characters,

Solution: Enter the allowed number of characters.

  • the entered value does not match the format.

Solution: Enter possible characters in the specified field.

  • the reward is not available to this user.

Solution: Open the user's access to the reward.

  • the user was not found (does not exist in the company).

Solution: Check the correctness of the entered username. If everything is correct, create a user account in the company.

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